Friedman article
New survey article
Updated survey results
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Survey results

While many models were identified by the fire protection engineering community, it was difficult to locate a contact person for every model, and not every contact person completed their survey. Therefore, several models do not have a survey. It is the hope of the authors that as the popularity of this model database grows, so shall the number of submitted surveys. Where no survey was submitted, the survey from the Friedman work is attached instead, although the information may be outdated. The authors wish to thank the members of the fire protection engineering community who helped identify these models and filled out surveys on the models. If you have a question about a certain model, please address your questions not to the authors of the work, but to the contact person listed on the survey.

If there is no link to a particular model below, the model was identified to the authors, but no survey was submitted and the Friedman article does not have reference to this model either. See the new survey article in the SFPE Journal of Fire Protection Engineering [link] for a reference identifying this model.

If the link has 'Friedman 1992' next to it, no survey was submitted, but the 1992 survey from Friedman is attached. These surveys are reproduced from the report:
Friedman, Dr. Raymond, "Survey of Computer Models for Fire and Smoke," Second Edition, prepared for FORUM, December, 1991.

These surveys are reproduced with permission from FORUM.

If the link has '2002' next to it, the survey from the new work is attached.  Updates were conducted in 2007, 2010, and 2013/2014, resulting in some new models as well as updated information for some already listed models.  These updates and new models are included as applicable.
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