Friedman article
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The goal of this work was to create a completely accessable, free database where fire protection engineers and other interested parties can research information about computer models for fire and smoke.  Raymond Friedman conducted a survey of computer models in 1992, and in the process identified 74 computer models which address fire and smoke.

Since 1992, advances in computer technology have ushered in the creation of several new computer models, as well as updates of some of the models identified by Friedman.  For this work, computer models were identified from engineering works of literature, as well as from fire protection engineers directly.

A contact person for each model was identified, and the contact person was sent a survey where they could provide information about their model.  The results of the survey were compiled and combined with those from Friedman (if no new survey was obtained), and the results were submitted in the form of a peer-reviewed journal article to the SFPE Journal of Fire Protection Engineering.  The results are also presented on this webpage so all interested parties can have access to the survey results.

More information about this work can be found in both the Friedman article [SFPE Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 4 (3), 1992], as well as the new survey article [SFPE Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 13 (2), 2003].  An additional undated but more recent review of available fire models can be found here.
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